John Thomas



“Darker Shade of Blue” is the first Album corroboration with Vocalist John Grignon and Tom Atkins. It features multiple performers – Bob Napierski and Pat Knittel on Drums, Tom played all the Bass and electric guitars. Mastered by Kevin Brady in NYC, Tom shopped this album around and was told, “Let me know when you have a band to play these songs out.” THICK was formed about 3 months after this album was completed.  “Late Night Driver” was Tom’s first instrumental guitar track release, and was actually part of a local Albany Radio show theme. The “Darker Shade of Blue” riff was actually written by IBM materials physicist Dr. Stephen Bedell. Additional mixing by Steve LaCerra, swapping Tascam DA-88 tapes between Burnt Hills and Bayridge, Brooklyn. 

THICK performed several of the tunes from this Album for years. Additional tracks available only here on the website showcase some of John and Tom’s earliest songwriting efforts, recorded at Cathedral Studios and Nino Minnesale’s New Music store in Albany.